Hezbollah ayaa sheegtay inay tobanaan gantaal ku garaacday saldhiga diyaaradaha ee Ramat David Airbase ee bariga Haifa, taasoo jawaab u ah weeraro isxigxiga oo Israel ay geysatay, oo ay ku jiraan boqolaal weeraro ah oo ka dhacay koonfurta Lubnaan Sabtidii iyo Axadii.

Sarkaal ka tirsan Qaramada Midoobay ayaa ka digay ‘masiibo soo fool leh’ iyadoo Israa’iil ay beegsanayso boqollaal aag oo ku yaalla koonfurta Lubnaan.


Haddii la xaqiijiyo, weerarku waxa uu noqonayaa weerarkii ugu fogaa ee Hezbollah ay ka geysato gudaha Israa’iil tan iyo markii ay bilowdeen iska horimaadyada ka socda xuduudda bishii Oktoobar ee sannadkii hore.

Milatariga Israa’iil ayaa sheegay in in ka badan 100 madfac laga soo riday Lubnaan aroornimadii Axadda, taas oo ku qasabtay boqollaal kun in ay gabaad ka dhigtaan oo keentay in la xidho iskuullada waqooyiga Israa’iil.

Dhaqdhaqaaqyada waxbarashada lagama ogolaan doono waqooyiga Israa’iil ilaa ugu yaraan Isniinta 6pm (15:00 GMT), taliska hore ee milatariga ayaa yidhi, taas oo saamaysay boqolaal kun oo caruur ah, sida uu sheegay afhayeenka milatariga Gaashaanle Dhexe Nadav Shoshani.

Haifa gudaheeda, dugsiyo badan ayaa xiran… xafiisyaduna waa madhan yihiin, ayay tiri Patrice Wolff oo degan, oo ka shaqeysa warshadaha caafimaadka.

Sabtidii, ciidamada Israa’iil ayaa sheegay in ay fuliyeen boqollaal duqeymo xagga cirka ah oo ka dhacay koonfurta Lubnaan. Waxay kaloo sheegatay weeraro lagu qaaday 110 goobood oo kale saacadihii hore ee subaxnimadii Axadda.

Milatariga Israel ayaa sidoo kale soo saaray xannibaado ku saabsan isu imaatinka waaweyn ee waqooyiga Israel, oo ay ku jirto Haifa – magaalada saddexaad ee ugu weyn dalka.

Ma jiro wax war ah oo ka soo baxay gantaallo ku dhacay Israa’iil Axaddii maanta oo Axad ah wax khasaare ah ama khasaare laxaad leh.

Milatariga Israa’iil ayaa sabtidii 400 oo weerar ku qaaday Lubnaan, taasoo keentay jawaabta  Xisbullah ,waxayna noqoneysaa madaafiicdii ugu ballaarneyd ee ay isweydaarsadaan tan iyo markii uu billowday dagaalka Gaza.

                                                            SOURCE ALJAZEERA


An excavator removes a charred car in Kiryat Bialik in the Haifa district of Israel, following a reported strike by Lebanon's Hezbollah on September 22, 2024. Hezbollah said on September 22 that it targeted military production facilities and an air base near north Israel's Haifa after the Israeli military pounded south Lebanon and said it targeted thousands of rocket launcher barrels. (Photo by Jack GUEZ / AFP)

Security forces investigate around a damaged car in Kiryat Bialik in the Haifa district of Israel, following a reported strike by Lebanon's Hezbollah on September 22, 2024. Hezbollah said on September 22 that it targeted military production facilities and an air base near north Israel's Haifa after the Israeli military pounded south Lebanon and said it targeted thousands of rocket launcher barrels.(Photo by Jack GUEZ / AFP) Related content Photos israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict israel - lebanon - palestinian - conflict First responders and Israeli security forces gather amid debris and charred vehicles in Kiryat Bialik in the Haifa district of Israel, following a reported strike by Lebanon's Hezbollah on September 22, 2024. israel - 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