Carruurta ku nool aagga Bani Suheila ee Khan Younis ee koonfurta Gaza sawiro shalay laga soo qaaday waxay ku ciyaarayaan burburka guryahooda ee Israa’iil cir iyo dhul madaafiic kaga garaacday.

Si kasta oo loo burburiyay guryahoodii xitaa inay wada dhintaan Yuhuudu isku deyday hadana shacabka Falastiin isma dhiibin oo waa dad Muslimiin ah oo aaminsan inay marayaan qadar u qorneyd.


Caruurta reer Gaza waxaa sawiradaan ka muuqata inay la halgamayaan nolosha oo iska sii wataan wax kasta oo ay sameyn karaan si ay ugu yaraan farxad u muujiyaan.

Waxay ku qanacsan yihiin waxay heystaan iyo qadarta rabi, sawiradaan waxaa ka muuqda geesinimada dadka Muslimiinta ah xitaa caruurtooda.



KHAN YUNIS, GAZA - JUNE 20: Gazans, including children, in the Bani Suheila area are viewed living with limited means, in Khan Yunis, Gaza on June 20, 2024. Palestinian families hold on to life in the rubble of their homes destroyed by the Israeli army's months-long attacks on Gaza. ( Hani Alshaer - Anadolu Agency )KHAN YUNIS, GAZA - JUNE 20: Gazans, including children, in the Bani Suheila area are viewed living with limited means, in Khan Yunis, Gaza on June 20, 2024. Palestinian families hold on to life in the rubble of their homes destroyed by the Israeli army's months-long attacks on Gaza. ( Hani Alshaer - Anadolu Agency )KHAN YUNIS, GAZA - JUNE 20: Gazans, including children, in the Bani Suheila area are viewed living with limited means, in Khan Yunis, Gaza on June 20, 2024. Palestinian families hold on to life in the rubble of their homes destroyed by the Israeli army's months-long attacks on Gaza. ( Hani Alshaer - Anadolu Agency )KHAN YUNIS, GAZA - JUNE 20: Gazans, including children, in the Bani Suheila area are viewed living with limited means, in Khan Yunis, Gaza on June 20, 2024. Palestinian families hold on to life in the rubble of their homes destroyed by the Israeli army's months-long attacks on Gaza. ( Hani Alshaer - Anadolu Agency )KHAN YUNIS, GAZA - JUNE 20: Gazans, including children, in the Bani Suheila area are viewed living with limited means, in Khan Yunis, Gaza on June 20, 2024. Palestinian families hold on to life in the rubble of their homes destroyed by the Israeli army's months-long attacks on Gaza. ( Hani Alshaer - Anadolu Agency )



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