Guddoomiyaha Ururka Dhalinyaradda Gobolka Banaadir Mudane Cumar Cabdiraxmaan Macow ayaa kulan casho sharaf soo dhaweyn ah u sameeyay qaar ka mid ah Madaxda Ururada Dhalinyarada Maamul Goboleedyada dalka kuwaasi oo Magaalada Muqdisho u joogo ka qeyb galka kulamo aqoon kororsi.

Kulankaan oo ay goobjoog ahaayeen Madaxda Ururada dhalinyarada Degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa la isku dhaafsaday fikrado iyo talooyin ku aadan in la xoojiyo xiriirka dhalinyarada, Iskaashiga iyo ka wada shaqeynta Dowlad-dhiska Soomaaliya.
—𝐃𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐀𝐃—May be an image of 1 person, newsroom and textMay be an image of 4 people, table, lighting and weddingMay be an image of 1 person, scarf, headscarf and daisMay be an image of 3 people, headscarf, dais and textMay be an image of 2 people, beard, people smiling and headscarfMay be an image of 2 people, beard and people smilingMay be an image of 2 people, beard and textMay be an image of 3 people, beard, people smiling and newsroomMay be an image of 3 people, beard and people smilingMay be an image of 3 people, beard and people smilingMay be an image of 4 people, beard and people smilingMay be an image of 1 person, headscarf and daisMay be an image of 1 person, newsroom and textMay be an image of 1 person and suitMay be an image of 2 peopleMay be an image of 1 person, beard, newsroom, dais and textMay be an image of 11 people and textMay be an image of 2 people, beard, people smiling, suit and newsroom


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