Muqdisho, 02 June 2024: Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho Mudane Yuusuf Xuseen Jimcaale (Madaale) ayaa kulan isla xisaabtan iyo dardargelin shaqo la yeeshay heerarka kala gedisan ee Maamulada Degmooyinka Howlwadaag iyo Hodan.

Duqa Muqdisho ayaa warbixin la xariirta Horumarada iyo Caqabadaha dhinaca shaqooyinka ka dhageystay qeybaha kala gedisan ee Maamulada Degmooyinka Hodan iyo Howlwadaag, waxa uuna kula dardaarmay dardargelinta adeegyada loo haayo Bulshada, La-dagaalanka Maandooriyaha, Anshax xumada, Nadaafada iyo in laga fogaado musuqa.

Ugu danbeyntii waxa uu Duqa Muqdisho faray Madaxda Maamulada Degmooyinka Hodan iyo Howlwadaag in si dhaw loogu war haayo bulshada ku nool Degmada, si caruurta ay u helaan waxbarasho, dadka dantayar la gar-gaaro, isla markaana bulshada lagu wacyigeliyo ka shaqeynta horumarka iyo Amniga Degmada.
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